Footpath Number 27

Start: Coopers Hill
End: A327 Fleet Road
Distance: 0.5 Miles  

This short, secluded path can be accessed from the top of Coopers Hill, just to the left of “Hill House” and opposite the start of the footpaths into Castle Bottom. Although very short it is a lovely walk through the trees and there’s plenty of wildlife to see. It can be quite wet near the A327, so wellingtons are advised.

The footpath is well signed from the road and a few paces takes you from the road into woodland. On your right is the boundary of Hill House with an array of Rhododendrons (lovely in June) and on your left a wide array of ferns, conifers, and Holly bushes. You quickly leave the busy road behind and walk though a marked gap in the fence.  

Further on the path, the trees become more deciduous and at the end of Hill House Garden you can see down across the fields leading towards Copse Farm. The fields are bordered by a ditch and as you approach the A327 there’s a good chance in wet weather that the stream will overflow across the path. The path narrows near some gorse bushes and then emerges onto the A327 marked by a large Concrete block. This is the end of the path.

Footpath 1 Map